Acne Treatment
in Pune
By using an effective treatment plan and early intervention,
you can eliminate zits & prevent scarring and other acne-related damage.
It is a common skin problem that causes pimples mainly on the face, shoulders, chest, upper back, and forehead. Teenagers are most affected by acne. Acne can happen at any age, but it’s important to have acne treatment in Pune because it could get worse. Let us learn more in detail.

What is acne?
You get acne when you frequently get zits, boils, or pimples on your face. This is one of the most common skin conditions, and almost everyone has experienced this at some stage in their life. Acne usually affects your face. But other areas like the chest, back, arms, buttocks, back, and shoulders might also be affected.
What are the different types of acne?
- Comedones- whiteheads, blackheads, and blocked pores
- Papules- red, painful, raised bumps.
- Pustules- small-pus-filled pimples.
- Nodules- red, hard, painful lumps inside your skin.
- Cysts- painful, huge, boils that ooze pus and blood.
What causes acne?
Acne is usually a metabolic problem that is caused by androgen hormones, which usually start to work when you are a teenager or an adult. Acne is caused by hormones that make you more likely to get it, as well as bacteria on your skin and fatty acids in your oil glands.
The following things can cause acne or make it even worse:
- Uneven hormone levels during a woman’s period.
- Headgear and clothing, like sports helmets or hats.
- Air pollution and specific weather conditions, mostly high humidity.
- Using greasy or oily skin care products such as waxes, creams, lotions, or hair pomades.
- Working regularly where you get in contact with oil or grease, for example, in restaurants.
- Stress, which enhances your hormone cortisol, may also cause acne to flare.
- Reaction to some medications.
- Genetics
How is acne diagnosed?
Doctors can diagnose acne with a skin exam. They might also talk to you if you are dealing with some stress or if you have a genetic history of acne. Teenage girls and women should talk about their menstrual cycles, as factors related to this might also lead to acne.
How serious can acne get?
Acne is ranked by its severity.
- Grade 1:
mostly blackheads and whiteheads, along with a few pustules and papules.
- Grade 2:
multiple pustules and papules, mainly on your face.
- Grade 3:
a large number of pustules and papules, with frequent burning nodules. Your chest and back might also be affected.
- Grade 4:
a large number of inflamed and painful nodules and pustules.
What are the options for acne treatment in Pune?
Your doctor might suggest a few medications and some treatments based on the severity of the acne’s severity, the acne type, and your age. You might also need stronger prescription drugs.
Chemical peels
Chemical peel is one of the most effective treatments for every type of acne. You need to apply this gel or liquid to your skin and wipe it off after some time. This process reduces the size and number of new cysts after every session. The already existing acne dries up and the scars begin to lighten. The oiliness of your skin decreases, and your face looks softer.
Jet peel
It uses pressurized air to speed up the microdroplets, which scrub and clean your skin well. It also helps to calm the active lesion.
It is highly effective if you have mild breakouts. It removes dead skin cells that block pores and also helps in eliminating oiliness.
It can be very helpful in stopping acne from coming back and making your skin smooth and shiny.
Laser acne therapy
This therapy includes a non-abrasive laser known as Nd: Yag. This therapy needs no downtime.
A few other treatments, such as carbon laser peeling or carbon facial, can help you clear your whiteheads, blackheads, and pores. It also eliminates harmful bacteria, which helps you achieve brighter and clearer skin.
Few acne treatment in Pune and skin care creams
- Retinol gels and creams
- Antibiotic gels and creams
- Antifungal lotions and creams
- Exfoliating creams
How to prevent acne?
Preventing acne can be tough, especially during hormonal changes. However, a few things might help:
- Wash your face regularly with a mild facial cleanser and warm water.
- Use moisturizer regularly
- Try to use non-comedogenic makeup products and wash your makeup at the end of the day.
- Try to keep your hands away from your face.
What is the cost of acne treatment in Pune?
The cost of acne scar treatments in Pune depends on various factors. Let’s have a glance at a few of them:
- The seriousness of your acne
- The area needs to be treated
- The types of your skin
- Type of the treatment
(The cost of laser acne therapy ranges from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 15,000).
If you have severe acne, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Dr. Vrushali Nikam is the best doctor in pune for acne treatment who specializes in adult and teenage acne treatment.
Bodysutra Clinic offers the best acne treatment in Pune. All our patients can expect cost-effective and long-lasting results.
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